Voltage to Current Converter Question & Answers March 28, 2023 By Wat Electrical This article lists 50 Voltage to Current Converter MCQs for engineering students. All the Voltage To Current Converter Questions & Answers below includes a hint and a link to the relevant topic wherever possible. This is helpful for users who are preparing for their exams, interviews, or professionals who would like to brush up on the fundamentals of the Voltage To Current Converter. A voltage-to-current converter is a type of electronic circuit that converts an input voltage signal into an output current signal. This type of circuit is useful in many applications, including signal processing, control systems, and instrumentation. The VCCS is a type of voltage-to-current converter that uses an operational amplifier (op-amp) and a feedback resistor to produce an output current that is proportional to the input voltage. The transconductance amplifier is a type of voltage-to-current converter which is an amplifier that produces an output current that is proportional to its input voltage. The output current is given by the formula Iout = gm * Vin, where gm is the transconductance gain of the amplifier. The trans-impedance amplifier and the conveyor converter are also types of V-I converters. The trans-impedance amplifier circuit converts an input voltage into an output current by using an op-amp and a feedback resistor. The current conveyor system circuit uses a current conveyor to convert an input voltage into an output current. 1). The two or more transistors with matched parameters are a method of _______________? Resistor Voltage divider Transconductance Current mirror None Hint 2). The output range is limited in ________________ circuit? PWM Voltage divider Transconductance Current mirror None Hint 3). The measuring low voltage DC signals in electronic circuits is an application of _________? Low voltage DC voltmeter Low voltage AC voltmeter Diode match finding circuit Light emitting diode None Hint 4). Which one of the following may require frequency response shaping? Gain of amplifier Selection of switch D’Arsonval meter movement Offset voltage compensating network None Hint 5). The sensitivity is maximum in ___________________ deflection level? Full scale Half scale Quarter scale No deflection None Hint 6). Which one of the following is a formula of voltage-to-current converter using a resistor? Iout = - (Vin - Vref) / Rf Iout = (Vin - Vbe) / Re Iout = Is * (e^(Vd / Vt) - 1) Iout = Vinput / R None Hint 7). Which one of the following V-I converters uses the exponential relationship between current and voltage across a diode? Resistor-based Op-Amp-based Transistor-based Diode-based None Hint 8). Which one of the following V-I converters used in temperature measurement, light sensing, and other applications where a non-linear current response is required? Resistor-based Op-Amp-based Transistor-based Diode-based None Hint 9). The resistor produces a voltage proportional to the current is the principle of operation of __________________ based I-V converter? Resistor Op-Amp Transimpedance amplifier Logarithmic amplifier None Hint 10). The simple circuit is an example of ______________principle? Resistor Voltage divider Transconductance Op-Amp None Hint 11). The voltage is applied to the base of a transistor is a method of ___________________ V-I converter? Resistor-based Op-Amp-based Transistor-based Diode-based None Hint 12). Which one of the following converter types uses delta-sigma modulator to convert current to a digital voltage output? Resistor-based Delta sigma ADC Transistor-based Diode-based None Hint 13). The modulator produces a digital representation of the input voltage is a principle of operation of __________________ based I-V converter? Resistor Op-Amp Transimpedance amplifier Delta sigma ADC None Hint 14). The op-amp adjusts its output voltage to maintain negative feedback is a principle of operation of __________________ based I-V converter? Resistor Op-Amp Transimpedance amplifier Logarithmic amplifier None Hint 15). The accuracy and efficiency are low in ________________ circuit? PWM Voltage divider Transconductance Current mirror None Hint 16). An amplifier, audio amplification, signal conditioning are an application of _____________________ component? Gain of amplifier Selection of switch D’Arsonval meter movement Offset voltage compensating network None Hint 17). Which one of the following may require debouncing or other filtering? Gain of amplifier Selection of switch D’Arsonval meter movement Offset voltage compensating network None Hint 18). The sensitivity is low in ___________________ deflection level? Full scale Half scale Quarter scale No deflection None Hint 19). Which one of the following is a formula of voltage-to-current converter using an Op-Amp? Iout = - (Vin - Vref) / Rf Iout = (Vin - Vbe) / Re Iout = Is * (e^(Vd / Vt) - 1) Iout = Vinput / R None Hint 20). The microcontroller is an example of ______________principle? Resistor Voltage divider Transconductance PWM None Hint Voltage to Current Converter MCQ for Exams 21). Which one of the following V-I converters uses feedback to adjust the output current? Resistor-based Op-Amp-based Transistor-based Diode-based None Hint 22). The output voltage is proportional to the logarithm of the input current is a principle of operation of __________________ based I-V converter? Resistor Op-Amp Transimpedance amplifier Logarithmic amplifier None Hint 23). Which one of the following converter types uses logarithmic amplifier to convert current to a logarithmic voltage? Logarithmic amplifier Delta sigma ADC Transistor-based Diode-based None Hint 24). The feedback resistor converts the input current to a negative voltage is a principle of operation of __________________ based I-V converter? Resistor Op-Amp Transimpedance amplifier Logarithmic amplifier None Hint 25). The transconductance amplifier circuit is a method of _______________? Op-amp PWM Transconductance Current mirror None Hint 26). In which one of the following circuit the efficiency is moderate? PWM Current mirror Transconductance Both b and c None Hint 27). The figure shown below is a circuit diagram of ___________________ converter? Voltage to current converter Current to voltage converter Voltage converter Current converter None Hint 28). The measuring low voltage AC signals in electronic circuits is an application of __________________? Low voltage DC voltmeter Low voltage AC voltmeter Diode match finding circuit Light emitting diode None Hint 29). The Electronic switches, signal routing is an application of _____________________ component? Gain of amplifier Selection of switch Offset voltage compensating network D’Arsonval meter movement None Hint 30). The Transistor is an example of ______________principle? Resistor Current mirror Transconductance PWM None Hint 31). In which one of the deflection level, the dynamic range is very wide? Full scale Half scale Quarter scale No deflection None Hint 32). Which one of the following is a formula of voltage-to-current converter using a transistor? Iout = - (Vin - Vref) / Rf Iout = (Vin - Vbe) / Re Iout = Is * (e^(Vd / Vt) - 1) Iout = Vinput / R None Hint 33). The accuracy is low in ___________________ deflection level? Full scale Half scale Quarter scale No deflection None Hint 34). Which one of the following may require tuning/calibration? Gain of amplifier Selection of switch D’Arsonval meter movement Offset voltage compensating network None Hint 35). The op-amp voltage-to-current converter circuit is a method of _______________? Op-amp PWM Transconductance Current mirror None Hint Read more about Operational Amplifier 36). In which one of the following circuit the accuracy is high? PWM Current mirror Transconductance Both b and c None Hint 37). An identifying matching diode in electronic circuits is an application of __________________? Low voltage DC voltmeter Low voltage AC voltmeter Diode match finding circuit Light emitting diode None Hint 38). The precision measurement instruments are an application of _____________________ component? Gain of amplifier Selection of switch D’Arsonval meter movement Offset voltage compensating network None Hint 39). The non-linear circuit elements, noise generation circuits are the applications of ___________________ resistance value? Smaller Higher Random All of the above None Hint 40). The sensor signal conditioning, process control are the applications of _________________? Resistor Current mirror Transconductance Op-Amp None Hint Voltage to Current Converter MCQ for Interviews 41). The dynamic range is limited in ___________________ deflection level? Full scale Half scale Quarter scale No deflection The dynamic range is limited in full scale deflection level hint:The full-scale deflection level requires shunt resistor None Hint 42). The voltage divided across a resistor is a method of _____________________ V-I converter? Resistor-based Op-Amp-based Transistor-based Diode-based None Hint 43). Which one of the following is a formula of voltage-to-current converter using a diode? Iout = - (Vin - Vref) / Rf Iout = (Vin - Vbe) / Re Iout = Is * (e^(Vd / Vt) - 1) Iout = Vinput / R None Hint 44). The voltage dividers, input/output impedance matching, filters are the applications of ___________________ resistance value? Smaller Higher Random None of the above None Hint 45). The microcontroller with PWM output and a low-pass filter is a method of _______________? Resistor PWM Transconductance Current mirror None Hint 46). An indicator, display panels, lighting are the applications of _________________ component? Low voltage DC voltmeter Low voltage AC voltmeter Diode match finding circuit Light emitting diode None Hint 47). An analog panel meters is an application of _____________________ component? Gain of amplifier Selection of switch D’Arsonval meter movement Offset voltage compensating network None Hint 48). The non-linear circuit elements, noise generation circuits are the applications of ___________________ resistance value? Smaller Higher Random Both a and b None Hint 49). In which one of the following circuit the output range is large? PWM Voltage divider Transconductance Current mirror None Hint 50). The current mirrors, motor drivers are the applications of _________________? Resistor Voltage divider Transconductance Op-Amp None Hint For More MCQs Chopper or Buck Converter Question & Answers Alternating Current and Voltage Questions & Answers Time's up