In the analysis of various circuits, we all know that their analysis involves huge calculations and various equations, and other tools. Whereas in the case of complicated circuits, the analysis is not easy and using a simple analytical approach like series and parallel is not accurate. It needs multiple equations to solve and various techniques. So, the basic methodologies are improvised to Mesh Analysis that results in reducing the complexity of analyzing … [Read more...]
What is a Discharge Lamp : Types & Their Working
In the initial period of 1856, discharge tubes came into existence, but discharge lamps existed in the market in the 1930s. Initially, a French scientist Jean Picard noticed that barren space in the mercury barometer shined as the mercury wiggled when he was carrying it. Many researchers along with Francis Hauksbee attempted to know the actual phenomenon behind it. Francis initially showed a discharge lamp in the year 1705. He demonstrated that either … [Read more...]
Differences between DC Series and Shunt Motors
Before knowing about the differences between DC Series and Shunt Motors, let us start to know what a DC motor is. An electric motor that is powered up by direct current is termed as DC motor. In a detailed view, when a current-carrying conductor is positioned in the area of a certain magnetic field, it gains some torque and tends to have a moment. So, this is the same principle where a DC motor also works on. A DC motor is also named depending on the type … [Read more...]
What are Welding Types : Working and Their Applications
Well, we are no more in the bewilderment of how metals or thermoplastics are joined or attached, because we live in the era of extensively implementing various welding types. So, welding is one of the most prominent employment that was born several millions of years back. The only welding process that was in evolution until the 19th century was forge welding. The advancements in technology have shown multiple progressions in this welding and allowed us to … [Read more...]
What is Temperature Coefficient of Resistance
As we are in the era of digital technology, the foremost concept to be known about is electronic engineering. As every industry in this digital scope needs of electronic instruments, one has to be clearly aware of its concepts and properties. The one concept which we are going to discuss is the temperature coefficient of resistance. When there is current movement through the wire, heat gets generated through this because of resistance in the wire. This … [Read more...]
What is Plasma Arc Welding : Working and Its Types
In the bronze age itself, the concept of welding was in implementation. An example of this is the making of gold boxes with the assistance of pressure welding. At the time of middle ages, the concept of blacksmithing was formed to weld iron pieces. Every consecutive year, there comes the evolution of a new type of welding and plasma arc welding is the one. This process was discovered by Robert M.Gage in the year 1953. The unique feature that made this … [Read more...]
Electrical Components used in Electronics and Electrical Projects
There are numerous important basic electrical components commonly found in the circuits of almost all peripherals. These devices are the essential building blocks of electronic and electrical circuits. These electric components can be found in great numbers on motherboards, video cards, hard disk, logic boards and everywhere else in personal computers. The electrical circuit components can be combined with each other and with dozens of other devices. … [Read more...]
DC to DC Converter Operating Principle and Functionality
There are various types of power electronic converters which are frequently used in electric power system applications such as power converter, regulated power supply, DC power supply and so on. The power electronics converters can be classified as AC to DC converter or Rectifier, DC to AC converter or Inverter, AC to AC converter, DC to DC converter, and so on. These converters are again classified into different types based on different criteria. If we … [Read more...]
Overvoltage and Under Voltage Protection System
If any unexpected fluctuation in the power supply may cause many problems in the industries, homes, offices. Voltage fluctuations in the electric power supply have a very poor effect on connected load. These fluctuations of over voltage and under voltage protection system are produced by many reasons which are like voltage surges, limiting, overload and etc. General applications of these systems are used in agriculture motors, water pumps and etc. In this … [Read more...]
Steps to Convert AC to DC – Converter & Circuit
Electrical power supply became as a basic need in our day-to-day life, the power we are availing is 230V 50Hz AC supply. But, by using power electronics converter circuits this power can be converted into the required form and range. These converters are power electronics circuits which are further classified as step-down & step-up converters, voltage stabilizer circuit, AC to DC, DC to DC, DC to AC converter circuits and so on. Most of the … [Read more...]