Initially, a steam turbine is a kind of device which is available in the form of a heat engine. This turbine receives most of its development in the thermodynamic efficiency by using various levels in the steam expansion that outcomes in a similar approach like reversible expansion procedure. This is the very basic principle of the turbine. The first device that was originated in the classifications of turbines is a steam turbine which is very compact like … [Read more...]
What is Open Cycle Gas Turbine : Working & Its Uses
Gas turbines were developed with the advancement in the two domains of technology like internal combustion engine and steam turbine, The operations that took place in both these fields, lead to the development of current day gas turbines and this happened in the year of 1940s. During the period, 1500 – 1870s John Barber, Vinci and Branca, and other people define or develop other models that utilize steam or hot gas to develop motion. At the same time, … [Read more...]
What is Resistance Welding : Types and Their Principles
In the prehistoric period, the scope of welding was forge welding where this process follows up with metal heating and then brazing. But, the enhancements and innovations of technology have shown development in the era of welding that by the end of the 19th century, people became more modernized and their welding techniques also adapted to the change. Arc welding, resistance and gas welding are the fundamental welding techniques employed in many … [Read more...]
Fire Tube Boiler – Types, Operation & Uses
Steam boilers were used earlier for the production of steam in trains. Later on, with the development in the construction of these boilers, these boilers are classified into different types based on the generation of steam. The steam generated should be of high pressure in order to increase efficiency. So, to generate more steam, steam boilers are classified as water tube and fire tube boilers. The water tube boiler generates more steam of high pressure … [Read more...]
What is a Deaerator – Working, Types & Applications
Usually, we utilize certain apparatus for generating Electricity. In that, a boiler plays an important role. For the appropriate function of the boiler & in order to evade corrosion in the boiler, the deaerator is used. In this, the contaminations which are there in the feed water will be detached. This article discusses the deaerator definition, working principle, its types, pros, cons, and its applications. What is the Function of Deaerator? It is … [Read more...]
Electrostatic Precipitator : Types, Working & Applications
In general, the steam or gases in the power plants can be produced through the fuel burning. A chimney in the plant can be used to release the gases into the atmosphere. These gases are very harmful to the environment as we ll as living organisms once they absorb because they include harmful particles. Because of these harmful gases, health issues will occur to human beings and other organisms. So these pollutants can cause global warming by polluting the … [Read more...]