Ohmmeter Question & Answers May 2, 2023 By Wat Electrical This article lists 100 Ohmmeter MCQs for engineering students. All the Ohmmeter Questions & Answers below include a hint and a link to the relevant topic wherever possible. This is helpful for users who are preparing for their exams, interviews, or professionals who would like to brush up on the fundamentals of the Ohmmeter. Electronic devices can be tested using the availability of various meters. For example, Ammeters measure currents, Voltmeters for voltage measurement and to measure resistance the meter used is called an Ohmmeter. These meters test the wired connection whether it is appropriate or should improve. Electrical resistances are calculated to identify the restriction of objects to flowing current in it. Based on levels of sensitivity various meters are available. They are milli, mega & micro-ohmmeters. Low resistance values are calculated using a micro-ohmmeter. For contact bonding applications these meters are used. High resistance values can be calculated using mega ohmmeters. Ohmmeters can be used conveniently but the accuracy is less. Due to its portable nature, these are used in laboratories and are classified into three categories. They are series, shunt & multi-range ohmmeters. The classification is based on how the circuit or the resistances are connected to the circuit. Both resistance & component connections in any electrical circuitry can be measured using these ohmmeters. The resistance is measured in 'ohms. Debugging of PCBs that require to get executed in any sensitive devices can be achieved using ohmmeters. 1). Electrical resistance is measured using ______________? Ammeter Voltmeter Ohmmeter Wattmeter Hint 2). How can multi-meters function for resistances measuring mode? Ammeter Voltmeter Ohmmeter Wattmeter Hint 3). What is applied by the ohmmeter for measuring resistance? Voltage Current Pressure Temperature Hint 4). Which law is applied to calculate resistances? Faradays Law Kirchoff’s Law Boyles Law Ohms Law Hint 5). What measures lower resistance values? Mini Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Major Ohmmeter Hint 6). What is the purpose of an Ohmmeter? To Measure Resistance To Check Continuity To Measure Current a & b Hint 7). Multi-meters in resistance-measurement mode function as _________? Ammeter Voltmeter Ohmmeter Wattmeter Hint 8). Where does the ohmmeter connect? Current Carrying Component Voltage Carrying Component Power Source Except Power Source Hint 9). What should be disconnected before Ohmmeter is connected? Current Carrying Component Voltage Carrying Component Power Source Except Power Source Hint 10). What gives resistance values approximately? Ammeter Voltmeter Ohmmeter Wattmeter Hint Read More about Ohmmeter 11). How does the ohmmeter can be connected to the circuit? Series Parallel Either a or b None Hint 12). What is the classification of ohmmeter based on resistance values? Mini Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter b & c Hint 13). Which type of ohmmeter comprises multiple selectors? Mini Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Milli Ohmmeter Hint 14). Ohmmeters should not be in connection with _________? Current Source Voltage Source Temperature Source Light Source Hint 15). What is measured due to voltage drops across conductor terminals in Ohmmeter? Current Voltage Capacitance Resistance Hint 16). What does the left-hand kept far side of analog meters indicate? Zero Resistance Minimum Resistance Infinite Resistance Can’t Detect Resistance Hint 17). What does it indicate if the needle is resting on an infinite value of resistance? No Circuit Continuity Open Point in Circuit Short Point in Circuit a & b Hint 18). What cannot detect the resistances for test circuits? Ammeter Voltmeter Ohmmeter Wattmeter Hint 19). What does an ohmmeter comprise? Milliammeter Series Resistance Constant Battery Source All Mentioned Above Hint 20). When does the pointer deflect in Ohmmeters? Current Flow Voltage Flow Current Constant Voltage Constant Hint 21). What represents if the pointer moves left-side to the meter? Zero Resistance Low Resistance High Resistance Minimum Resistance Hint 22). What is the pointer in meter moves right-side? Zero Resistance Low Resistance High Resistance Minimum Resistance Hint 23). What does the ohmmeter circuit consist of? Milli Ammeter Resistance Battery Source All Mentioned Above Hint 24). What are connected in series in the ohmmeter circuit? Capacitor Resistor Inductor Diode Hint 25). Battery source in ohmmeter is _________? Fluctuating Not Constant Constant Changes Frequently Hint Ohmmeter MCQs for Exams 26). Electrical quantities values measured by ohmmeter are shown in _________? Pointer Display Multimeter Dial Microammeter Hint 27). What indicates the measured value on the scale in ohmmeter? Pointer Display Multimeter Dial Microammeter Hint 28). On what values pointer deflect in the ohmmeter? Capacitor Resistor Inductor Diode Hint 29). What selects distinct functions in the ohmmeter? Pointer Display Multimeter Dial Range Selector Knob Hint 30). Where does the knob for selection present in the ohmmeter? Right Side Left Side Center Downside Hint 31). What has an impact if the current in the microammeter change in the ohmmeter? Capacitor Resistor Inductor Diode Hint 32). To what does the rotary dial surround? Pointer Display Multimeter Dial Range Selector Knob Hint 33). What have different selectors for range? Pointer Display Multimeter Dial Range Selector Knob Hint 34). How many input ports or jacks does an ohmmeter have? Four Three Two One Hint 35). How many leads does an ohmmeter have? Four Three Two One Hint 36). Non-linear resistance measurement scale is in _______? Voltmeter Ohmmeter Analog Multimeter b & c Hint 37). Where does the resistance measurement device pointer lie at rest? Maximum Minimum Zero Low Level Hint 38). Where does the meter reading must lie before testing components in the ohmmeter? Maximum Minimum Zero Low Level Hint 39). What happens if the probe of the meter is connected to the sides of the resistor? Pointer Remain at 0 Pointer is Constant Pointer Does not Move Pointer Deflects Hint 40). What is the range of resistance meters? 1 Ohm – 1 K Ohms 1 Ohm- 1 M Ohms 1 K Ohms- 1 M Ohms 1 M Ohms- 1 G Ohms Hint 41). Which ohmmeter is used for low resistance measurement? Mini Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Major Ohmmeter Hint 42). 1 micro-ohm to 2500 ohms is the range of _________? Mini Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Major Ohmmeter Hint 43). Why 4-wire kelvin method used in Micro ohmmeters? To Measure Capacitance To Measure Resistance To Measure Inductance To Measure Resistance & Capacitance Hint 44). What uses filters? Mini Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Major Ohmmeter Hint 45). 100 micro-ohms to 2000 ohms is the range of ___________? Mini Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Milli Ohmmeter Hint 46). What is the limit of resistance values measured by mega-ohmmeter? Ohms Mega Ohms Giga Ohms b & c Hint 47). What measures the values of resistances for DUT (device under test)? Mini Ohmmeter Series Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Shunt Ohmmeter Hint 48). How many resistors are used in Series Ohmmeter? Four Three Two One Hint 49). How are zero resistors of adjustment placed with ‘D Arsonval’ in series ohmmeters? Parallel Series Combination None Hint 50). What does an Ohmmeter of higher range know as? Multi-meter Megger Circuit Breaker Switch Hint Ohmmeter MCQs for Students 51). Why does the Megger use? To Measure Resistance To Check Continuity To Measure Insulation Resistance All Mentioned Above Hint 52). 0.5 Ohms to 2,000,000 Mega Ohms is the range of _________? Milli Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Major Ohmmeter Hint 53). What applies high voltage to measure current values? Multi-meter Megger Circuit Breaker Switch Hint 54). What does megger comprise? DC Generator Shunt Type Ohmmeter Series Type Ohmmeter a & c Hint 55). What increases the sensitivity of resistances measuring mechanisms called Megger? DC Generator Shunt Type Ohmmeter Series Type Ohmmeter a & c Hint 56). What is the principle of Mega ohmmeter? Magnetic Induction Self-induction Precipitation Electromagnetic Induction Hint 57). What is the megger’s voltage operational range? 0-50 V 25 – 50 V 50-100 V 50V-100MV Hint 58). Meggers is ________ to operate? Simple Complex Difficult Hard Hint 59). How meggers are advantageous? Simple to Operate Small DC Generator Less Cost All Mentioned Above Hint 60). What identifies physical damage in electric circuits? Multi-meter Megger Circuit Breaker Switch Hint 61). When an inductor is connected to an ohmmeter and the reading displayed is 0 indicate? Inductor is Open Circuited Inductor is Short Circuited Inductor is Not Connected Inductor is Open Hint 62). What is indicated if the device or element connected to the ohmmeter is open-circuited? Zero Resistance Infinite Resistance No Resistance Equal resistance Hint 63). Multimeters unable to measure ________? Voltage Current Resistance Inductance Hint 64). Moving coil is used to make _______? Ammeter Voltmeter Ohmmeter Wattmeter Hint 65). Which has an internal source of power? Ammeter Voltmeter Ohmmeter All Mentioned Above Hint 66). High Voltage-based meggers are ______? Power Operated Motor Operated Current Operated a & b Hint 67). What are the various applications where meggers are used? Electrical Cables Transformers Multimeters All Mentioned Above Hint 68). What does a multimeter combine? Ammeter Voltmeter Ohmmeter All Mentioned Above Hint 69). Circuit breakers use _________? Mini Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Major Ohmmeter Hint 70). What measures the resistances of the motor? Mini Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Major Ohmmeter Hint 71). PCB tracks use ______? Milli Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Major Ohmmeter Hint 72). What is used in capacitor testing? Mini Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Major Ohmmeter Hint 73). What measures the resistance among leads? Ammeter Voltmeter Ohmmeter Wattmeter Hint 74). Diode testing is possible by ________? Milli Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Major Ohmmeter Hint 75). Machine field coil use ______? Series Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Shunt Ohmmeter Hint Ohmmeter MCQs for Interviews 76). What does a digital ohmmeter measure? Voltage Current Resistance All Mentioned Above Hint 77). Heater elements use _________? Series Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Shunt Ohmmeter Hint 78). Short circuit tests are carried out using ______? Series Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Shunt Ohmmeter Hint 79). Precision bridge circuitry use __________? Series Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Shunt Ohmmeter Hint 80). What is used in the installation of windings? Multi-meter Megger Circuit Breaker Switch Hint 81). How the unknown resistances are connected to Multi-range ohmmeter? Series Parallel Either a or b None Hint 82). What is used as an Earth tester? Multi-meter Megger Circuit Breaker Switch Hint 83). What takes more time to measure resistance? Multi-meter Megger Circuit Breaker Switch Hint 84). Meter movement is parallel to resistances found in ____________? Mini Ohmmeter Series Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Shunt Ohmmeter Hint 85). Shunt Ohmmeter measures _________ resistances? High Low Medium Zero Hint 86). What is referred to as Insulation Tester? Multi-meter Megger Circuit Breaker Switch Hint 87). Damage in circuits can be identified using __________? Multi-meter Megger Circuit Breaker Switch Hint 88). Generators winding resistances are measured using ________? Milli Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Major Ohmmeter Hint 89). What calculates the low value of resistances with higher precision? Mini Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Milli Ohmmeter Hint 90). Where is Megger used? Cables Insulators Bushings All Mentioned Above Hint 91). Which circuit is used in ohmmeters for precise measurement? Resistance Filter Capacitor Bridge Hint 92). What is the purpose of Micro ohmmeters? Calculate Current Calculate Voltage Diode Testing All Mentioned Above Hint 93). What ensures the continuity in circuits? Ammeter Voltmeter Ohmmeter Wattmeter Hint 94). Which measuring device is not accurate? Ammeter Voltmeter Ohmmeter Wattmeter Hint 95). Which ohmmeter is used in the application of bonding contacts? Mini Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Major Ohmmeter Hint 96). Electric motor winding resistances are measured using ________? Mini Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Milli Ohmmeter Hint 97). Digital ohmmeter is the __________? Digital Multi-meter Analog Voltmeter Analog Ohmmeter Hint 98). What is suitable for insulation resistance measurement? Milli Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Hint 99). Bond testing in railways is done by ___________? Milli Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Milli Ohmmeter Hint 100). What measures the insulation resistances of cables? Multi-meter Megger Circuit Breaker Switch Hint For More MCQs Ammeter Question & Answers Energy Meter Question & Answers Q Meter Question & Answers Tachometer Questions & Answers Anemometer Questions & Answers Mini Ohmmeter Mega Ohmmeter Micro Ohmmeter Milli Ohmmeter Hint Time's up