Room Temperature Controller
Temperature control is a procedure to maintain the temperature at a certain level. This method is commonly used in all regions of the world. Recently in the globalization period, this method becomes an important part because there are several applications in daily life includes this procedure especially server room and greenhouse.
Every day server room works nonstop in 24 hours. During this procedure, server room needs to be checked frequently in order to confirm its functionality and efficiency, particularly on temperature. Accurate room temperature controller mentioned as the best technique in any application by controlling the temperature automatically.
This system shows an important development in temperature control as the procedure is working without requiring manual support to control the process. The result obtains from the process shows the temperature is controlled effectively and more accurate. In addition, this discovery makes man power become easy and system that automatically controlled will be developed.
Accurate Room Temperature Controller Using 8051 Microcontroller
The hardware and software requirements of this project mainly include 8051 microcontrollers, 7-segment display, light emitting diode, voltage regulator, transformer, crystal oscillator, push buttons, cooling fan, temperature sensor, relay, diodes, fan, Keil µVision IDE and Embedded C for microcontroller programming.
8051 Microcontroller
The Intel 8051 is an 8-bit microcontroller. There are 3 basic sizes of the microcontrollers are available in the market such as Short, Standard, and Extended. The Short and Standard microcontrollers are frequently available in dual-in-line package form, but the other models of these microcontrollers often have a different form factor. All these things can be programmed using 8051 assembly language, and they all share certain features.

8051 Microcontroller
These microcontrollers are used in an extensive range of applications like telecom applications, control systems, robotics as well as in the automobile industry. By some approximations, these family chips make up over 50% of the embedded market. Please refer the below link for 8051 microcontroller Block Diagram and Its Applications
Project Working
The principle reason for this Digital Temperature Controller is to control the temperature of any gadget like AC or whatever other electronic gadgets whose temperature continues fluctuating and thus these lines needs a consistent watch on the gadget. The utilization of this framework takes out consistent viewing on the gadget without anyone else controlling the temperature of the framework.
The proposed project comprises of digital temperature sensors for more precise temperature control in several industries. This system disables the disadvantages of thermostat or analog systems in terms of accuracy. This project can be used in any organization where it is very significant to maintain accurate temperatures.

Accurate Room Temperature Controller Using 8051 Microcontroller Block Diagram
The LCD display is used to show the temperature and when the temperature exceeds the fixed limit, the lamp is turned off in order to regulate the temperature. The heater is established with the help of a lamp. After the heater is turned off, the AC is turned ON. Here alternating current is confirmed with the help of a small fan.
After the AC is switched ON, it remains ON until the temperature ranges below the surpass limit. Thus the proposed system keeps on switching ON or OFF the heater (or) the AC for automatically controlling the temperature of the system. The system utilizes a digital temperature sensor in order to notice the temperature and pass the data to the 8051 microcontrollers. This microcontroller processes information and sends the temperature to be shown on the LCD screen. The display contains 7-segment display unit to display up to four numbers.
It contains four push buttons for setting the temperature levels. Pressing set button lets the user increase and decrease low and high temperatures. After the system notices temperature and controls the load when it goes beyond set limits.
Applications of Room Temperature Controller
The applications of room temperature controller include the following.
- Room temperature controller can be used in Industrial Automation as well as home automation.
- This project can be used to conserve the electrical power.
- These are used in a wide variety of industries to manage the process of manufacturing or operations. Some of the applications of temperature controller are in industries like plastic extrusion, thermoforming machines, injection molding machines, packaging machines, food storage, food processing, and blood banks
From the above information finally, we can conclude that the proposed system will solve the daily problems where AC’s do not work properly due to low voltage, normally in rural areas.In future, this project can be extended for controlling the temperature in many rooms in an apartment.
Thus, this is all about accurate room temperature controller using 8051 microcontrollers. We hope that you have got a better understanding of this concept. Furthermore, any doubts regarding this concept or to implement temperature based projects, please give your valuable suggestions by commenting in the comment section below. Here is a question for you, What are the applications of temperature controllers?