Piezoelectric Transducer Question & Answers September 13, 2021 By Wat Electrical Leave a Comment This article lists 100+ Piezoelectric Transducer MCQs for engineering students. All the Piezoelectric Transducer Questions & Answers given below include a hint and a link wherever possible to the relevant topic. This is helpful for users who are preparing for their exams, interviews, or professionals who would like to brush up their fundamentals on Piezoelectric Transducer. A piezoelectric transducer or a piezoelectric sensor is one kind of device that measures different changes within the pressure, acceleration, temperature, force, or strain by using the piezoelectric effect to change the energy into an electrical charge. The term “piezoelectric” is nothing but the electricity that can be generated through pressure. The best example of the natural piezoelectric crystal is the Quartz whereas phosphate, ammonium dehydration, Rochelle salts, lithium sulfate are the man-made type crystals. The applications of piezoelectric transducers mainly include microphones, medical diagnostics. Infertility treatment, inkjet printers, and many more. 1). The property of materials in which the application of mechanical stress generates electricity is called------------ Static electricity Piezoelectricity Conductivity Both b and c None Hint 2). Piezoelectric materials are----- Naturally available Artificially manufactured Both a and b None of the above None Hint 3). Naturally available piezoelectric among the below Quartz Rubber Hair All of the above None Hint 4). Artificially manufactured piezoelectric among the below is Enamel Lithium niobate Wood None of these None Hint 5). Piezoelectric materials used as transducers should have----- Low output values Sensitive to temperature Frequency instability None of these None Hint 6). The faces of piezoelectric materials are coated with-------while using as transducers Aluminium Silver Gold Silicon None Hint 7). In piezoelectric transducer, the polarity of produced charge depends upon---- The direction of applied stress Piezoelectric material property Transducer orientation All of the above None Hint 8). On piezoelectric material, stress is applied as Compressive stress Tensile stress Both a and b None of the above None Hint 9). The orientation of crystal effects the--- The direction of charge generated Amount of charge generated Both a and b None of these None Hint 10). The amount of charge generated in the longitudinal arrangement of a crystal is --------the amount generated in the transverse arrangement Larger than Smaller than Equal to Reciprocal None Hint 11). Ultrasonic piezoelectric transducer works on the principle of Piezoelectric effect Converse piezoelectric effect Static electricity Photoelectric effect None Hint 12). In converse piezoelectric effect--------is produced when----------is applied. Stress, electricity Electricity, stress Light, stress Stress, sound None Hint 13). In ultrasonic piezoelectric transducer, resonance occurs when the frequency of an oscillator is equal to the natural frequency of---------- Quartz Transformer Amplifier All of these None Hint 14). Piezoelectric materials cannot measure Stress Dynamic frequency Static values All of these None Hint 15). To measure force, stress, vibrations ------is used Voltmeter Seismograph Strain gauge All of these None Hint 16). Piezoelectric transducers are------ transducers Active transducers Passive transducers Electrical transducers None of these None Hint 17). There are -------- natural piezoelectric crystal classes 32 20 23 30 None Hint 18). Synthetic piezoelectric materials are---------- Ceramics Polymers Organic Quartz All of these None Hint 19). Quartz ‘s mechanical quality factor is = 10^5 < 10^5 > 10^5 None of these None Hint 20). The AT-cut quartz is used in Computers TV VCR All of these None Hint 21). The piezoelectric with high electromechanical coupling Quartz Barium Titanate Lithium niobate Topaz None Hint 22). Piezoelectric material used for Langevin vibrators is Lithium niobate Barium Titanate Lithium tantalate PZT None Hint 23). PZT-5 is formed by doping PZT with Donor ions Acceptor ions Nitrogen All of these None Hint 24). For ultrasonic measuring the piezoelectric used is PZT Barium Titanate Lead Titanate Topaz None Hint 25). Frequently used piezoelectric as actuators are Piezoelectric ceramics Piezoelectric polymers Piezoelectric thin wires All of these None Hint Piezoelectric Transducer Interview Questions & Answers 26). Mostly opted piezoelectric for microphones are Piezoelectric Ceramics Piezoelectric polymers Piezoelectric composites Piezoelectric wires None Hint 27). Piezoelectric used for underwater sonar are Piezoelectric Ceramics Piezoelectric polymers Piezoelectric composites Piezoelectric wires None Hint 28). Piezoelectric strain constant d for given stress x and electric field E is d = E/x d = E. x d = x/E d = E + x None Hint 29). Piezoelectric voltage constant g defines the relation between Internal stress and magnetic field External stress and applied electric field External stress and induced electric field Internal stress and induced electric field None Hint 30). The piezoelectric parameter that characterizes the sharpness of the electromechanical resonance system Voltage constant Electromechanical coupling factor Mechanical quality factor None of these None Hint 31). The acoustic impedance is given by Z^2 = (Pressure )/(Volume velocity) Z^2 = Pressure. volume velocity Z^2 = (pressure)2( volume velocity) Z^2 = ((Pressure)x^2 )/(Volume velocity) None Hint 32). Polymers have----------- piezoelectric constant compared to ceramics High Low Reciprocal Both b and c None Hint 33). Piezoelectric materials are also related to Ferroelectric materials Ferromagnetic materials Electrostatic materials Both a and b None Hint 34). Multimorph contains Two transducers One transducer Only three transducers More than two transducers None Hint 35). For off-resonance frequency application, piezoelectric should have High dielectric loss Low dielectric loss High voltage constant Low voltage constant None Hint 36). Which of the following type transducer is used for measuring changes within pressure, temperature, acceleration & strain? Piezoelectric transducer Oscillator transducer Inductive transducer Flow transducer None Hint 37). Piezoelectric crystals are __________ Liquefies within water Drift on water They are not dissolving within water Soak up water None Hint 38). Piezoelectric crystals generate _________ Very less voltage High voltage less voltage Extremely high voltage None Hint 39). Piezoelectric transducer mainly includes… Quartz crystal Aluminum wire Copper wire Aluminum rod None Hint 40). In a piezoelectric transducer, once a compressive power is given to a quartz crystal then what will happen? No charge carriers will be induced Positive charge carriers will be induced Negative charge carriers will be induced Both the charge carriers will be induced None Hint 41). The term piezoelectric means? The electricity generates once pressure is applied Electrical signal can be changed Conversion of different quantities Calculation of DC o/p Impedance None Hint 42). Which of the following material does not contain the property of piezoelectric? Ceramic material Piezoelectric material Solid material Polymers None Hint 43). The ceramic material operates at which temperature? Above 3000ºC Below 3000ºC Equal to 1000ºC Ranges from 1000ºC to 1500ºC None Hint 44). The charge polarity in transducer mainly depends on … Based on sensitivity of charge The direction of applied pressure Crystals thickenss Electrode charges None Hint 45). What is the function of a transducer? Conversion of voltage Conversion of power Conversion of energy Power conversion None Hint 46). Which of the following is the example of a transducer? Digital camera Meter Microphone Micro SD card None Hint 47). The sensitivity of a piezoelectric transducer is _________ Less Extremely high High Nothing None Hint 48). In which of the following kitchen application, a piezoelectric crystal is used Grinding Gas stove lighting Micro oven Mixing None Hint 49). What is the sensitivity of a piezoelectric transducer? 20 mV/kPa 05 mV/kPa 30 mV/kPa 40 mV/kPa None Hint 50). What kind of energy conversion can be done by a piezoelectric transducer? Mechanical to sound Sound to mechanical Electrical to mechanical Mechanical to electrical None Hint Piezoelectric Transducer Questions and Answers 51). What is the working principle of piezoelectric transducer? Energy conversion Piezoelectricity Electromagnetic induction Detect the energy None Hint 52). The sensing element used in piezoelectric transducer is Diodes Quartz crystal Dielectric Plastic None Hint 53). The frequency response of piezoelectric transducer is.. Low High Medium Infinite None Hint 54). The transient response of piezoelectric transducer is.. High Low Medium None of the Above None Hint 55). The o/p attained by the piezoelectric transducers is Low Extremely low High Very high None Hint 56). In some cases, the output may effected by the ….. External force Temperature Surroundings Temperature and humidity None Hint 57). The impedance of piezeoelectric transducer is High Low Medium Infinite None Hint 58). Which of the following cannot measured by the piezoelectric transducer? Static force/pressure Temperature Distance None of the above None Hint 59). If a fixed force is given to a piezoelectric transducer, then the output will be? High Zero Low None of the above None Hint 60). For dynamic measurement, which of the following transducer is used? Capacitive transducer Inductive transducer Piezoelectric Transducer Flow transducer None Hint 61). In which of the following application, piezoelectric transducer is used? Crystal Oscillator Operational amplifier Heartley oscillator Integrated circuits None Hint 62). Which of the following transducer is known as an active transducer? LVDT Capacitive microphone RVDT Piezoelectric transducer None Hint 63). Which of the following substance produces the voltage once they are mechanically forced through specific planes. Thermo-electric Piezoelectric Radio-active Photo-electric None Hint 64). In electrostatic dust filters & spark ignition engines, what is the main function of piezoelectric transducer? Provides high electric power Provides low electric power Provides high voltage and less current Provides less current None Hint 65). A Piezo-electric crystal simply melts in ________ Less temperature circum-ambient because of low solubility of water Maximum temperature circum-ambient Least temperature circum-ambient Maximum temperature circum-ambient because of high solubility of water None Hint 66). When a piezoelectric crystal generates an emf? When there is no mechanical power Once exterior mechanical power is applied toward ‘I’ Low temperature circum-ambient Highest temperature circum-ambient due to high water solubility None Hint 67). When Piezoelectric transducers starts working? When heat is applied to it When vibrations are applied to it When mechanical force is given to it When illuminations are provided to it None Hint 68). Which of the following transducers are inverse transducers? Capacitive transducer Inductive transducer Piezoelectric transducer Flow transducer None Hint 69). Rochelle salt & quartz materials come under the group of? Synthetic group Natural group Fiber group Fiber/Synthetic None Hint 70).Once mechanical energy is applied across the piezoelectric material then it generates….? Electrostatic charge Electromagnetic force Voltage Signals None Hint 71). Which of the subsequent substance is piezo electric? Cadmium and sulphate Barium titanate Lead Zirconate Lead titanate None Hint 72). A piezo electric crystal is used to measure…..? Sound Resistance Force Velocity None Hint 73). Piezo-electric transducer is used to measure? c = ∈⁄d*a c = a*d c = a∈⁄d c = a/d None Hint 74). Which of the following transducer is self generating? Quartz crystal Capacitive Pressure Temperature None Hint 75). Piezoelectric crystals generate_________. Powe Less current Maximum voltage Extremely high voltage None Hint Piezoelectric Transducer MCQs for Exams 76). In which year piezoelectric effect was discovered? 1882 .1801 1880 1839 None Hint 77). Who invented the piezoelectric effect? Pierre & Jacques Curie James Zhong Walter None Hint Please refer to this link to know more about Piezoelectric Effect None 78). The size of piezoelectric transducer is… Large Small Medium Nano None Hint 79. The frequency response of piezoelectric transducer is… High Low Very High Very low None Hint 80. The transient response of piezoelectric transducer is… Low High Very low Very high None Hint 81). In which of the following transducer, providing the desired shape to the crystal material with ample strength is difficult? Capacitive Inductive Piezoelectric Flow None Hint 82). In which of the following transducer needs an external circuit to provide high output Flow Piezoelectric Inductive Capacitive None Hint 83). For dynamic measurement, which transducer is used? Temperature Pressure Displacement Piezoelectric None Hint 84). which of the following sensor is used along with a Piezo transducer/sensor to measure stress, force, vibrations. Strain gauges Radiation Sensor Position Sensor Proximity Sensor None Hint 85). What is the role of piezoelectric transducer in automotive companies? To check the battery status To notice detonation within the blocks of engine To check the breakers To check the alternator None Hint 86). What is the function of Piezoelectric transducers in industrial processing devices? To monitor the power To control different loads To discover faults To reduce faults None Hint 87). At which temperature, synthetic crystal & Rochelle salt cannot be utilized? > 115 degree F < 115 degree F = 110 degree F 98 degree F None Hint 88). As compared to natural crystals, synthetic crystals are …? Responsive More responsive Less response None None Hint 89). The voltage which is generated by a piezoelectric transducer can be measured simply by using… Voltage measuring instruments Tachometer Nanometer Digital meter None Hint 90). Which of the following stress is used in piezoelectric transducer? Compressive Mechanical Physical Psychological None Hint 91). Which of the following word is used to derive the term piezoelectric…… Piezen Piezo Pigeon Piezoglypt None Hint 92). Which of the following characteristic is unique for piezoelectric effect …… It is reversible Increased Decreased Distinctive None Hint 93). When electric field is applied to the quartz crystal then what will happen? It becomes longer Shorter No change None of the above None Hint 94). When electric field is applied in reverse direction to the quartz crystal then what will happen? It becomes shorter Longer No change It will damage None Hint 95). Which of the following condition is not suitable to measure? Variable condition Static condition Dynamic condition None of the above None Hint 96). Piezoelectric transducer is effected by….. Voltage Curent Resistance Temperature None Hint 97). Piezoelectric transducer is used in seismographs for measuring…? Vibrations within Rockets To check the power in Rockets Temperature in rockets Condition of rockets None Hint 98). Which of the following modes are used in piezoelectric sensors? Voltage & charge modes Current mode Temperature mode Resistance mode None Hint 99). A device that is used to change the energy from one form to other is called as? Converter Transducer Diode Oscillator None Hint 100). What is the mathematical expression of piezo electric transducer? Vo = gtP Vo = gt/P Vo = g(t/P) Vo = g(P/t) None Hint 101). The voltage range produced by a piezo disc is? From 10 to 20V From 13 to 39V From 5 to 15V From 15 to 25V None Hint Time's up
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