RLC Circuit Question & Answers February 8, 2023 By Wat Electrical This article lists 100 RLC Circuit MCQs for engineering students. All the RLC Circuit Questions & Answers given below include a hint and a link wherever possible to the relevant topic. This is helpful for users who are preparing for their exams, interviews, or professionals who would like to brush up on the fundamentals of RLC Circuit. Electrical or electronic circuits are designed using 2 main components for their operation, one is the active resource that generates power and input them to other passive components that require to operate. This active resource includes AC, and DC components whereas passive components include a resistor, an inductor, and a capacitor. A combination of resistor, inductor, and capacitor connected together either in serial or parallel fashion is called an RLC circuit. A current-based harmonic oscillator is formed, whereas a combination of LC forms a resonator. The impedance of the RLC circuit is a complex term that is given as Z=R+JX, where R is the real resistance term, and X is an imaginary term of reactance. This X can be Xl or Xc which are Inductor reactance or capacitor reactance. The quality of an RLC circuit is determined using the term Q-factor. The applications of RLC circuits include tuners, radio receivers, and television. 1). Which of the following are passive electronic components? Resistor Capacitor Inductor All the above None Hint Read more about resistor types. 2). Which of the following are the applications of RLC circuits? Tuners Radio receivers Television All the above None Hint 3). Which of the following are electrical elements? Voltage sources Current sources Inductance All the above None Hint 4). Which of the following are the components of resistive type circuit? Resistor Ideal Current source Ideal voltage source All the above None Hint 5). A RLC circuit is _______ type of oscillator? Harmonic Periodic Aperiodic Both a and b None Hint 6). Which of the following is the wave shape of harmonic wave? Sinusoidal Square Rectangle Circle None Hint 7). Which of the following are the filter application of RLC circuit? BPF HPF LPF All the above None Hint 8). A LC circuit is also named as? Resonant circuit Tuned circuit Tuning Fork All the above None Hint 9). Which of the following is an bandpass filter? LC RC RL RLC None Hint 10). Which of the following is the RLC equation? Z= R+JX Z=R-JX Z=R/JX Z=C/JX None Hint 11). Which of the following is the formula of Zc? Zc=1/jwc ZL=1/jwL RC=1/jwL Both a and c None Hint 12). Which of the following term defines quality factor? Under- damp Lower-damp Higher-damp Zero-damp None Hint 13). In which of the following type of components does electrical resonator generates energy loss? Resistive Capacitive Indicative All the above None Hint 14). Which of the following is the formula of q-factor? Q(w) = Stored energy maximum / Power loss Q(w) = Stored energy maximum - Power loss Q(w) = Stored energy maximum +Power loss Q(w) = Stored energy maximum * Power loss None Hint 15). Which of the following are the applications of series and RLC circiuts? Signal processing Communication System Modulation Both a and b None Hint 16). An RLC circuit is _____ type of circuit? Electric Electronic Mechanical Chemical None Hint 17). Which of the following are passive circuit? Resistor Capacitor Inductor All the above None Hint 18). A resistor has ____ number of terminals? 1 2 3 4 None Hint 19). Which of the following is the function of resistor? Opposes current flow Adjust current levels Removes transmission lines All the above None Hint 20). Which of the following is capacitive impedance (Zc) of an RLC circuit? 1/jwc jw/C C/w wC None Hint 21). Which of the following is inductive impedance (ZL) of an RLC circuit? 1/jwcL jw/L L/w jwL None Hint 22). Increase in underdamped factor _____ the quality factor? Increases Decreases Constant Zero None Hint 23). Which of the following is the equation of RLC in a series RLC circuit? XL+XC=0 XL-XC=0 XL/XC=0 XLXC=0 None Hint 24). Which of the following is the equation for RLC circuit? Vc/V = 1/1-w2 LC +jwRC Vc/V = 1/1-w2 LC +jwLC Vc/V = 1-w2 LC +jwRC Vc/V =-w2 LC +jwRC None Hint 25). A resonant RLC circuit is a ____ type of series circuit? Single Dual Tria All the above None Hint RLC Circuit MCQs for Exams 26). Which of the following is present in an dual series circuit? Current gain Voltage gain Impedance All the above None Hint 27). Which of the following is the formula of real power based de-generates in resistor? P=Vrms I rms P=Vrms I2 rms P=Vrms / I rms P=Vrms- I rms None Hint 28). Which of the following is the easiest way to identify Q value in RLC circuit? w0 CR w0/CR 1/CR C/R None Hint 29). Which of the following is the value of w0 in a series RLC circuit? 2Pif0 2Pi/f f/2Pi f-2Pi None Hint 30). Which of the following are used for tuning purpose? Oscillator Radio receivers Televisions All the above None Hint 31). Which of the following circuits are used in Signal processing? RC CL RLC RL None Hint 32). Which of the following type of magnification is provided by series resonant LC circuit? Current Voltage Resistance Reactance None Hint 33). Which of the following circuit is used in induction type heating? Series LC Parallel LC Series RC Both a and b None Hint 34). Which of the following type of resonance is observed in a crystal oscillator? Mechanical Electrical Chemical Liquid None Hint 35). ___ is created via crystal oscillator on a specific frequency? Electrical signal Damping’s Vibrations Oscillations None Hint 36). Which of the following are the types of oscillators? Linear oscillator Relaxation oscillator Non-linear oscillator Both a and b None Hint 37). Which of the following are the examples of linear type oscillators? Hartley Phase shift Armstrong All the above None Hint 38). Which of the following are the examples of relaxation type oscillators? Royer Ring Multivibrator All the above None Hint 39). Which of the following is the most used crystal in an oscillator? Quartz Diamond Carbon Graphite None Hint 40). Crystal oscillator provide ___ type of capacitance? Load Reactance Impedance All the above None Hint 41). Which of the following is the principle of quartz crystal? Piezoelectric effect Farads Lenz Ohms None Hint 42). Which of the following is the equation of quartz crystal? Voltage = Pressure Pressure=Voltage Voltage/Pressure Pressure/voltage None Hint 43). Which of the following are the components of quartz crystal? Resistor Inductor Capacitor All the above None Hint 44). Which of the following is the frequency of low frequency type oscillator? 10HZ 100KHz 1000KHz 200KHz None Hint 45). Frequency is expressed in terms of? Hertz Farads Columb Ohms None Hint 46). Inductance is measured in terms of? Hertz Farads Columb Henry None Hint 47). Resistance is measured in terms of? Hertz Farads Ohms Henry None Hint 48). Which of the following are the examples of crystal oscillator? TV GPS systems Computer All the above None Hint 49). Which of the following is replaced in an Armstrong type crystal oscillator? RC LC RLC All the above None Hint 50). Time period is measured in terms of? Min/sec Sec Cm/sec Both a and c None Hint RLC Circuit MCQs for Students 51). In which of the following type of circuits does a resistors are used? Electrical Electronic Mechanical Both a and b None Hint 52). How many color band does a resistor consist of? 2 3 4 5 None Hint 53). Which of the following is the tolerance value of brown color band on a resistor? +/- 1 +/- 2 +/- 0.5 +/- 10 None Hint 54). Which of the following is the tolerance value of silver color band on a resistor? +/- 1 +/- 2 +/- 0.5 +/- 10 None Hint 55). Which of the following colors does 221 ohms resistor with +/-5 % tolerance value have? Red, red, black, gold Red, red, black, silver Red, black, black, gold black, red, black, gold None Hint 56). Which of the following resistor value has the color bands; brown, black, red, and gold? 1000 ohms +/- 5% 100 ohms +/- 5% 1000 ohms +/- 15% 1000 ohms +/- 25% None Hint 57). Which of the following is the purpose of resistor? Terminate transmission lines Voltage divider Signal level adjusters All the above None Hint 58). Which of the following are examples of resistive materials? Rubber Glass Wood All the above None Hint 59). Resistors are classified as? Linear Non-linear Frequency dependent Frequency dependent None Hint 60). Which of the following are the types of linear resistors? Fixed Variable Thermister Both a and b None Hint 61). Which of the following are the types of non-linear type resistors? Thermistors Varistor Surface mount All the above None Hint 62). Which of the following are the types of variable resistor? Rehostat Potentiometer Trimmer All the above None Hint 63). Which of the following type of resistor depends on temperature? Rehostat Potentiometer Trimmer Thermistor None Hint 64). Which of the following substance is used in metal coating film resistor? Carbon Nitrogen Argon Oxygen None Hint 65). Which of the following is the tolerance value of a surface mount resistor? 0.02% 0.1% 0.01% 1% None Hint 66). Which of the following are the application of LDR resistor? Alarms Clocks Street lights All the above None Hint 67). Based on which of the following parameters does a variable type resistor does not vary? Temperature Pressure Voltage All the above None Hint 68). A resistor which varies on application of dynamic voltage is? Thermistor LDR Magneto-resistor Film resistor None Hint 69). Which of the following are the types of film resistor? Carbon Metal Metal oxide All the above None Hint 70). A good resistor has ____ power rating? High Low Zero Equal None Hint 71).Which of the following component stores charge? Resistor Capacitor Inductor All the above None Hint 72). Which of the following are the substance of a capacitor? Dielectric Conductor Semiconductor All the above None Hint 73). Which of the following are the types of capacitors? Mica capacitor Polarized capacitor Film capacitor All the above None Hint 74). Which of the following is the voltage value of film capacitor? 100v 1000v 1500v 2000v None Hint 75). A film type capacitor is also called? Plastic capacitor Polystyrene Teflon All the above None Hint RLC Circuit MCQs for Interviews 76). Which of the following are the type of capacitors which has high frequency type circuit? Ceramic Film Electrolytic Super None Hint 77). A ceramic type capacitors is also called? Disc capacitors Disc capacitors Polarized capacitor Mica capacitor None Hint 78). Which of the following is the capacitance range of ceramic type capacitor? Pico farads to micro farads Farads to pico farads Farad to Micro farad milli farads to marco farads None Hint 79). Which of the following are the types of electrolytic type capacitor? Tantalum Aluminum Copper Both a and b None Hint 80). Which of the following are the applications of super type capacitors? Greater capacitance value Regenerative braking Quick charging capacity All the above None Hint 81). Which of the following are the applications of super capacitor? Elevators Regenerative braking Memory backup All the above None Hint 82). Which of the following are the types of ceramic type capacitors? Leaded Multilayer ceramic Microwave bare lead less disc All the above None Hint 83). Which of the following type of capacitor has positive temperature coefficient? Magnesium titanate Calcium Titanate Phrosporous titanate Iron Titanate None Hint 84). Which of the following type of capacitor has negative temperature coefficient? Magnesium titanate Magnesium titanate Phrosporous titanate Iron Titanate None Hint 85). Which of the following is dissipation factor of ceramic capacitor? 2.5% 3% 4% 5% None Hint 86). Which of the following is the temperature range of ceramic type capacitor? +10C to +55C +100C to +155C -10C to +55C None Hint 87). Which of the following are the applications of ceramic type capacitor? Lasers power supplies Circuit breakers Induction furnaces All the above None Hint 88). Which of the following is the range of polyester capacitor? 0.001 to 50 MF 1 to 5 MF 3MF to 50MF 4 MF to 100MF None Hint 89). Which of the following are the types of film capacitors? SMD Radial Heavy duty All the above None Hint 90). Which of the following are the similar kinds of inductors? Conductor Resistor Capacitor Both a and b None Hint 91). Which of the following are the class of ferrite core type inductor? Soft Ferrite Hard Ferrite Clay ferrite Both a and b None Hint 92). Which of the following are the function of inductor? Control signal Store energy Transmit signal Both a and b None Hint 93). In which form inductor store the energy? Electric Mechanical Chemical Both a and b None Hint 94).____ is the connection configuration that defines the components connected one after the another? Serial Parallel Concurrent Both b and c None Hint 95). Which of the following core substances are used in air core type inductor? Plastic Ceramic Copper Both a and b None Hint 96). Which of the following type of losses are absent in a air type inductor circuit? Core losses Hysteris losses Flux All the above None Hint 97). An iron core type inductor has ___ type of magnetic material? Ferro Para Dia All the above None Hint 98). Which of the following losses are observed in iron core type inductor? Core losses Energy losses Iron losses Iron losses None Hint 99). Toroidal type inductors are ___ in shape? Spine Ring Square Rectangle None Hint 100). Which of the following are the application of Toroidal type inductors? AC circuits DC circuits Oscillators All the above None Hint For More MCQs Resistor Question & Answers Capacitor Question & Answers Inductor Question & Answers Oscillator Question & Answers Time's up