A power electronic device that is used to change power from DC to AC form at the necessary frequency & voltage output is known as an inverter. The inverter input is a fixed DC voltage that is attained from the batteries & the inverter output is normally a variable or fixed frequency alternating voltage. The inverter is designed as separate equipment to use in different applications. Inverters are available in different types based on the switching … [Read more...]
Three Phase Inverter : Circuit, Working, Types & Its Applications
An inverter is an electrical device mainly used to change current from DC to AC form. It is also known as a variable frequency drive (VFD) or AC Drive. The inverter is normally used in variable-frequency drive & high-power applications like HVDC power transmission and also these are responsible for controlling an electric motor’s torque & speed. These are categorized into two types depending on the source of power supply within the power circuit … [Read more...]
Difference between Generator, Inverter and UPS
One of the major problems that people are still facing these days is an irregularity in power distribution. So, to get rid of this problem, technology has provided us many approaches and various devices. The most general technologies that are used for this purpose is generator, inverter and UPS. Even these devices are extensively used in many household and commercial applications to standardize power deregulations, each device has its own capacity, … [Read more...]
What is an Inverter : Working Principle, Classification & Applications
An inverter is one of the most frequently used electronic circuits in most of the applications. It’s a circuit that converts fixed DC supply to alternating AC supply to feed AC loads. Widely used in commercial, aviation, residential and industrial applications. It could be regarded as the backbone for most of the applications. It is frequently used as an interfacing unit between DC supply and load. In many cases, it acts as an interfacing unit between AC … [Read more...]