The history of the turbo generators dates back to late 1800s when Charles Algernon Parson developed the first steam turbine which uses high pressure stream to rotate a shaft that was connected to the generator. In simple terms, the first turbo-generator is an electrical generatorthat was powered by water turbines. The breakthrough allowed for much more efficient generate of electricity compared to the traditional steam engines which were bulky and had … [Read more...]
What is Tesla Turbine : Design & Its Efficiency
Initially, a steam turbine is a kind of device which is available in the form of a heat engine. This turbine receives most of its development in the thermodynamic efficiency by using various levels in the steam expansion that outcomes in a similar approach like reversible expansion procedure. This is the very basic principle of the turbine. The first device that was originated in the classifications of turbines is a steam turbine which is very compact like … [Read more...]
What is Open Cycle Gas Turbine : Working & Its Uses
Gas turbines were developed with the advancement in the two domains of technology like internal combustion engine and steam turbine, The operations that took place in both these fields, lead to the development of current day gas turbines and this happened in the year of 1940s. During the period, 1500 – 1870s John Barber, Vinci and Branca, and other people define or develop other models that utilize steam or hot gas to develop motion. At the same time, … [Read more...]
What is Closed Cycle Gas Turbine : Working & Its Efficiency
From the past few decades, this closed cycle gas turbine has gained huge prominence because of its crucial involvement in the worldwide energy requirements. In the year 1935, the first patent for closed cycle gas turbines was announced but the commercial usage of these happened in the year 1939. Conventionally, these gas turbines were mostly employed as external combustion engines using brown coal and bituminous coal. But these were supplanted by open … [Read more...]
What is a Steam Turbine : Working, Types & Its Applications
Steam turbines are available from the past 100 years and these are manufactured and used in different plants like the combined cycle, fossil power, nuclear plants. The first steam turbine was designed in the year 1884 by Sir Charles A. Parsons. This turbine was simply generated 7.5 KW of energy and used in Newcastle, England for lighting an exhibition. At present, steam turbines can generate above 1,000 MW of energy which is used in major power plants. The … [Read more...]