Magnetism and Electromagnetism Question & Answers September 13, 2021 By Wat Electrical Leave a Comment This article lists 100 Magnetism and Electromagnetism MCQs for Engineering Students. All the Magnetism and Electromagnetism Questions & Answers given below includes solution and link wherever possible to the relevant topic. Electromagnetism is the class of physics application, that represents the generation of electromagnetic force. This force is generated by the collision of multiple charged atoms or particles with each other on the application of external force. EM field consists of two fields namely electric and magnetic field. Before electromagnetism came into existence, scientists accepted that both electric and magnetic type fields are two different platforms. But later scientist James Maxwell in 1873 practically proved that the electricity and magnetism concept is a single force responsible for interaction between negative and positive charges. Electromagnetism depends on the principle of “Fleming’s right-hand rule” where the direction of force and magnetic type lines are identified. The main advantage of electromagnetism is magnetic type field can be changed when required. The disadvantage of electromagnetism is, it will turn off when an electric field is absent and requires a continuous power supply. A few of the applications of electromagnetism are solenoids, electric motors, power equipment, etc. 1). Electromagnetism is the study of ______ force. Electric Magnetic Electromagnetic All the above None Hint 2). Electromagnetism consists of how many number of fields? 2 3 4 5 None Hint 3). How many interactions does Electromagnetism have? 2 3 4 5 None Hint 4). Which of the following are electroweak type force? Weak force Electromagnetic type force High type energy All the above None Hint 5). Which of the following law defines electromagnetic based phenomena? Lorentz force Newton’s law Ohms law All the above None Hint 6). Which of the following are involved in Electromagnetism? Electrically charge particles Uncharged magnetic force Atoms All the above None Hint 7). _______ type of devices produces electromagnetic field. Electromagnets Electrodes Magnets All the above None Hint 8). Which of the following components are used for creating magnetic fields? Copper wire Iron core Platinum wire Both a and b None Hint 9). What happens to strength of magnetic field when current is controlled? Increases Decreases Controlled Zero None Hint 10). Which of the following is an additional phenomena of electromagnetism? Electromagnetic induction Ohms law Faradays law Coulomb's law None Hint 11). What happen to currents magnitude when magnetic fields strength changes? Same Zero Infinity Changes None Hint 12). Who has realized electromagnetism? Hans Christian Oersted James Henry Dennis Richard None Hint 13). Which of the following power source Hans Christian Oersted used during realization of electromagnetism? Battery Ammeter Voltmeter Rheostat None Hint Read more about Battery 14). Which of the following scientist discovered electrolysis and electromagnetic induction? Michael Faraday Hans Christian Oersted James Henry None Hint 15). Which of the following device allowed Michael Faraday to discover with the guidance of electromagnetic rotary type device? Electric motor Electric instrument Power recorder Ohm meter None Hint Read more about Electric Motor 16). The scientist Faraday has shown the relationship between _______. Magnetism and light rays Magnetism and electrons Electrons and protons Protons and neutrons None Hint 17). Which of the following scientist provided an extension to Faradays relationship between magnetism and light rays? James Maxwell Michael Faraday Hans Christian Oersted None of the above None Hint 18). Which of the following is a predominant application of electromagnetism? Electric motor Electric measuring devices Tachometer Speedometer None Hint Read more about Magnets 19). Which of the following component of electric motor is responsible for rotational moment? Magnets Shafts Rotor All the above None Hint 20). Which of the following are the other examples that rely on electromagnets? Hard disk drives Video cassette recorders DVD’s All the above None Hint Magnetism and Electromagnetism Important MCQ's with Hints 21). Which of the following are the applications of EM waves? Radio Tv Mobile communication All the above None Hint 22). What is the speed of EM waves? 186000 miles/sec 200000 miles per second 250000 miles per second 205000 miles per second None Hint 23). Which of the following information does not define Maxwell's equation? Subatomic scale Electron information Collision information All the above None Hint 24). An electromagnetic field is represented in ______ number of dimensions. 2 3 4 1 None Hint 25). Which of the following is the representation of electric field in vector field type approach? E(x,y,z,t) Q(x,y,z,t) C(x,y,z,t) H(x,y,z,t) None Hint Read more about Electric Field None 26). Which of the following is the representation of magnetic field in vector field type approach? E(x,y,z,t) Q(x,y,z,t) B(x,y,z,t) H(x,y,z,t) None Hint 27). When only the electric field in a circuit is non zero and is constant with respect to time, then the field is represented as _______. Electro static field Magneto static field Electric conductivity Both a and c None Hint 28). When only the magnetic field in a circuit is non zero and is constant with respect to time, then the field is represented as _______. Electro static field Magneto static field Electric conductivity Both a and c None Hint 29). According to Maxwell's equations which of the following have time dependencies? Electric Magnetic Electromagnetic Both a and b None Hint 30). Maxwell's equations are represented as _______. Electrostatics Magneto statics Electro dynamics All the above None Hint 31). Which of the following equation defines Gauss’s law? ⴟ.E=p/€0 ⴟ.B=0 ⴟ* E = -[dB/dt] None Hint 32). Which of the following equation defines Gauss’s law for magnetism? ⴟ.E=p/€0 ⴟ.B=0 ⴟ* E = -[dB/dt] ⴟ*B=ⴏ0 [J] + ⴏ0 €0 [dE/dt] None Hint 33). Which of the following equation defines Faraday's law? ⴟ.E=p/€0 ⴟ.B=0 ⴟ* E = -[dB/dt] ⴟ*B=ⴏ0 [J] + ⴏ0 €0 [dE/dt] None Hint 34). Which of the following equation defines Amperes Maxwell’s law? ⴟ.E=p/€0 ⴟ.B=0 ⴟ* E = -[dB/dt] ⴟ*B=ⴏ0 [J] + ⴏ0 €0 [dE/dt] None Hint 35). Gauss law is related to _______. Electric field distribution Electric charge distribution Magnetic field distribution Generation of EM None Hint 36). Which of the following scientist formulated Gauss law? Joseph Faradays Ohms Both b and c None Hint 37). Which of the following is an application of Gauss law? Coulombs law Ohms law Faradays law All the above None Hint 38). Gauss law of magnetism is similar to absence of ___ type monopoles Electric Magnetic Electromagnetic All the above None Hint 39). Magnetic field is a ___ type of field? Scalar Vector Both a and b None of the above None Hint 40). Electric field is a ___ type of field? Scalar Vector Both a and b None of the above None Hint 41). Which of the following are the units of magnetic field? Amperes per meter Meters Amperes Ampere square None Hint 42). Which of the following are the units of magnetic flux density? Amperes per meter Tesla Meters Amperes None Hint 43). Which of the following are the vector fields of electromagnetics? E H B Both b and c None Hint 44). Which of the following is the relationship between B,H and ⴏ? ⴏ = BH ⴏ = B B=ⴏH Both a and b None Hint 45). Magnetic field vector is also called as______ Magnetic flux density Magnetic induction Magnetic field All the above None Hint Read more about Magnetic Flux Density 45). Which of the following is the equation of Lorentz force law? F= qE+q(v*B) F= qE-q(v*B) F= qE+q(v) F= qE+q(B) None Hint 46). Which of the following is used to define direction of force in Lorentz force law? Left hand rule Right hand rule Conducting rule Both a and b None Hint 47). Which of the following finger in right hand rules points direction of current? Thumb Fore figure Middle figure None of the above None Hint 48). Which of the following finger in right hand rules points direction of magnet? Thumb Fore figure Middle figure None of the above None Hint 49). Which of the following is the representation of Lorentz equation given with “E,q,F”. F=qE F=q F=E E=qF None Hint 50). Which of the following is the representation of Lorentz equation given with “v,q,B,F”. F=q(v*B) F=q F=q(v) F=q/(v*B) None Hint 51). Which of the following is a torque equation of magnetic dipole(m)? T= mB T=m/B t=mB t=0 None Hint 52). One tesla is equal to ____ 10000 Gauss 100Gauss 10Gauss 1000000Gauss None Hint 53). Which of the following are the names of H fields? Magnetic field Magnetizing field Magnetic field strength All the above None Hint 54). Which of the following is the formula of H field? H=[1/ⴏ0] (B-M) H=[1/ⴏ0] (BM) H=[1/ⴏ0] (B+M) H=[1/ⴏ0] (M) None Hint 55). Which is the CGS units of H field? Oersteds Gauss Amperes All the above None Hint 56). Which of the following is the device used for measuring magnetic field? Magnetometer Ammeter Wattmeter All the above None Hint 57). Divergence theorem is also known as______ Gauss theorem Ostrogradskys theorem Faradys Both a and b None Hint 58). On which of the following factors do magnetic state depends on? Pressure Magnetic field Temperature All the above None Hint 59). Which of the following are the examples of paramagnetic substance? Oxygen Aluminum Copper Both a and b None Hint 60). Which of the following are the examples of diamagnetic substance? Oxygen Carbon Copper Both b and c None Hint 61). Which of the following are anti-ferromagnetic materials? Chromium Spin glass Copper Both a and b None Hint 62). What happens to magnetic field with increase in distance? Increases Decreases Zero Constant None Hint 63). Which of the following is the root cause of magnetism? Electric current Spin magnetic moments Electric dipoles Both a and b None Hint 64). Magnetic properties arise due to moment of ___ Electrons Neutrons Protons All the above None Hint 65). Which of the following type of magnet property oppose applied magnetic based field? Diamagnetism Ferromagnetism Para magnetism All the above None Hint Magnetism and Electromagnetism Questions and Answers 66). Which of the following type of magnet property enhances applied external magnetic based field? Diamagnetism Ferromagnetism Para magnetism All the above None Hint 67). A diamagnetic material has ___ unpaired electrons? 1 2 3 0 None Hint 68). Which of the following theorem defines impossibility of diamagnetism? Bohr-Van Lense Quantam Faradays None Hint 69). _____ type of magnetic material are unpaired electrons? Diamagnetism Ferromagnetism Para magnetism All the above None Hint 70). Which of the following principle is required for paramagnetic material for paired electrons? Pauli exclusion Inductive Amperes All the above None Hint 71). In which of the following magnetic type magnetic moments align in direction of applied external magnetic field? Diamagnetism Ferromagnetism Para magnetism All the above None Hint 72). In which of the following magnetic type magnetic moments align in parallel direction with one other? Diamagnetism Ferromagnetism Para magnetism All the above None Hint 73). In which of the following magnetic type Curie temperature is observed? Diamagnetism Ferromagnetism Para magnetism All the above None Hint 74). When a ferro magnetic substance loses its ferro magnetic property above a specific point then the point is called_______ Curie temperature Breakdown temperature Thermal expansion All the above None Hint 75). Which of the following are the examples of ferromagnetic substance? Iron Nickle Cobalt All the above None Hint 76). A magnetic field generated on electric supply is called ____ Electromagnet Electic substance Magneto substance All the above None Hint 77). What happens to magnetic field in electromagnetism when electric supply is turned off? Generates Does not generates Breaks the magnet None of the above None Hint 78). Which of the following is the advantage of electromagnetism? Magnetic type field can be changed when required Turns off when electric field is not sent Requires continuous power supply All the above None Hint 79). Which of the following is the disadvantage of electromagnetism? Magnetic type field can be changed when required Turns off when electric field is not sent Requires continuous power supply Both b and c None Hint 80). Which of the following is the formula for magnetic fields in vacuum? B= ⴏH B=ⴏ0 (H+M) B=H B=H+M None Hint 81). Which of the following is the formula for magnetic fields in material? B= ⴏH B=ⴏ0 (H+M) B=H B=H+M None Hint 82). Which of the following component in “B=ⴏ0 (H+M)” is called magnetic polarization? ⴏ0 ⴏ0H ⴏ0M H+M None Hint 83). Which of the following law does a Maxwells equations represents? Biot-Savart law Ohms law Faradays law Flemings rule None Hint Read More about Biot-Savart Law 84). What is the SI unit of energy? Joule Coulomb Amperes Volts None Hint 85). What is the SI unit of electric charge? Joule Coulomb Amperes Volts None Hint 86). What is the SI unit of electric current? Joule Coulomb Amperes Volts None Hint 87). What is the SI unit of electric current density? Joule Ampere/meter square Amperes Volts None Hint 88). What is the SI unit of potential difference? Joule Ampere/meter square Amperes Volts None Hint 89). What is the SI unit of electric resistance? Ohms meter Ampere/meter square Amperes Ohms None Hint 90). What is the SI unit of electric impedance? Ohms meter Ampere/meter square Amperes Ohms None Hint 91). What is the SI unit of electric reactance? Ohms meter Ampere/meter square Amperes Ohms None Hint 92). What is the SI unit of resistivity? Ohms meter Ampere/meter square Amperes Ohms None Hint 93). What is the SI unit of power? Ohms meter Watts Farads Ohms None Hint 94). What is the SI unit of permittivity? Farad per meter Farads Tesla Siemens None Hint 95). What is the SI unit of magnetic flux. Weber Farads Tesla Siemens None Hint Magnetism and Electromagnetism MCQ's for Interviews 96). Which of the following are the properties of electromagnetic waves? Perpendicular to each other Travels in speed of light Exhibits interference property All the above None Hint 97). Which of the following is the range of speed of light? 3*10 power 8 3*10 power 6 3*10 power 7 3*10 power 9 None Hint 98). Which of the following is the equation of light? C= velocity * wavelength C = velocity *time C = velocity / time C= velocity / wavelength None Hint 99). Which of the following is the SI unit of permeability? Henry/meter Henry Weber Tesla None Hint 100). Which of the following is the SI unit of magnetic susceptibility? Henry/meter No units Weber Tesla None Hint Time's up
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