Resistivity implies the measure of the resistance offered by an element for a given dimension at a particular temperature. Based on the resistivity, properties and characteristics of the element can be found out which are very important while designing a particular circuit, or applications. Even, based on its values, the element is categorized as conductor, insulator, or semiconductor. It need not be confined to only electrical property like the flow of … [Read more...]
Basics of Electricals
What is an Inverter : Working Principle, Classification & Applications
An inverter is one of the most frequently used electronic circuits in most of the applications. It’s a circuit that converts fixed DC supply to alternating AC supply to feed AC loads. Widely used in commercial, aviation, residential and industrial applications. It could be regarded as the backbone for most of the applications. It is frequently used as an interfacing unit between DC supply and load. In many cases, it acts as an interfacing unit between AC … [Read more...]
What are Welding Types : Working and Their Applications
Well, we are no more in the bewilderment of how metals or thermoplastics are joined or attached, because we live in the era of extensively implementing various welding types. So, welding is one of the most prominent employment that was born several millions of years back. The only welding process that was in evolution until the 19th century was forge welding. The advancements in technology have shown multiple progressions in this welding and allowed us to … [Read more...]
What is an Ammeter : Working, Classification & Applications
An ammeter is a combination of words ampere and meter or we can say an instrument that measures ampere (current). Electrical quantities are to be continuously monitored being very dynamic. Real-time monitoring of current is of utmost importance as the current is the most flexible/dynamic electrical quantity. An Ammeter which facilitates monitoring of current is a basic instrument in electrical engineering. Approximately eighty percent of electrical … [Read more...]
What is Cascode Amplifier : Circuit, Working & Its Benefits
Well, We all know that the prominent usage of an amplifier is to amplify the signal strength whether the signal may be amplitude, frequency or other. So, the initial device which came into evolution to amplify the signal was the triode vacuum tube in the year 1906. The enhancements in digital electronics from the 20th century onwards offered modern approaches that are being added to the conventional amplifiers through digital switching so that … [Read more...]
What is Transistor Series Voltage Regulator : Working and Its Experiment
A regulator is a device that maintains constant and regulated power at the output terminals across the load. Due to voltage fluctuations, and load unbalancing, it becomes very important to maintain a constant voltage at the load side. The voltage fluctuations affect the function of the device, and hence the circuit. If the system consists of sensitive loads such as electronic devices, it becomes very important to maintain load voltage constant. Power … [Read more...]
What is Specific Resistance : Formula and Its Affecting Factors
Specific resistance is the measure of the conductivity of a particular element and it is also known as electrical resistivity. Based on the value, the conductivity, and hence the electrical characteristics of the element are evaluated. This parameter is often used to analyze the electrical conductivity of a particular element, and hence have prime importance while selecting the elements. Some applications need elements that have superior electrical … [Read more...]
What is Plasma Arc Welding : Working and Its Types
In the bronze age itself, the concept of welding was in implementation. An example of this is the making of gold boxes with the assistance of pressure welding. At the time of middle ages, the concept of blacksmithing was formed to weld iron pieces. Every consecutive year, there comes the evolution of a new type of welding and plasma arc welding is the one. This process was discovered by Robert M.Gage in the year 1953. The unique feature that made this … [Read more...]
What is Three Phase Transformer : Circuit Diagram and Its Working
In this industrial era, the transformer stood as a crucial invention as it serves the requirements and necessities of multiple industries. The essence of the transformer lies completely in its energy conversion. Based on the principle of electromagnetic induction, Faraday expanded this concept to a transformer and even this device almost functions on the same principle. So, the primary kind of transformer that was invented in the induction coil. Whereas, … [Read more...]
What are Electric Field Lines and Its Properties
Electric field lines may be considered as a visual representation of the electric field existing between or for a charge itself. It was introduced by Michael Faraday in the year (1791-1867) who named them lines of force. A field basically is a function that specifies a particular quantity everywhere in a region. When we say electric field lines, it gives us means of representing the electric field pictorially. By looking into the electric field lines, its … [Read more...]
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