Switched reluctance motor is an electromechanical energy conversion device, which converts electrical energy to mechanical energy. As compared to DC motor where energy conversion takes place due to Lorentz Force Law, in switched reluctance motor the energy conversion takes place due to principles of variable reluctance. Reluctance is defined as the opposition to flow to the magnetic field. Its electrical equivalent is the resistance which opposes the flow … [Read more...]
Know the Differences between DC Shunt Motor & DC Shunt Generator
In the scope of electrical technology, a parallel circuit is described to be shunt. Direct current motors and generators where the armature and field windings are parallelly connected are termed as DC shunt motors and DC shunt generators. Fundamentally, a similar machine can be utilized as motors and generators. The foremost variation in between these devices is that in the DC shunt motor the input is of electrical energy and the output is mechanical … [Read more...]
What is Permanent Magnet Stepper Motor : Working & Advantages
In the industrial domain progression, motors hold a very crucial role and their application is enhancing day-by-day. Not only in the power industries, but in many control applications, motors are playing a critical role. With the enhancement of motor control, the usage and implementation also augment every year. So, the stepper motor is a kind of control motor which operates on positioning control having no feedback loop. Stepper motors were formed at the … [Read more...]
Differences between DC Series and Shunt Motors
Before knowing about the differences between DC Series and Shunt Motors, let us start to know what a DC motor is. An electric motor that is powered up by direct current is termed as DC motor. In a detailed view, when a current-carrying conductor is positioned in the area of a certain magnetic field, it gains some torque and tends to have a moment. So, this is the same principle where a DC motor also works on. A DC motor is also named depending on the type … [Read more...]
What is a Stepper Motor – Construction, Operating Principle & Uses
It is a type of motor used for precise movements and positioning of objects mainly in milling machines. It is a brushless type synchronous motor and it is operated stepwise. This step-wise rotation is considered as the step angle. One step angle is the rotation of the shaft per one step. The step angle can be of different degrees depending upon the construction of the rotor and stator teeth. The brushless motor rotates the shaft 360 degrees per one … [Read more...]
What is Star Delta Starter : Circuit Diagram and Its Working
The starting of an induction motor is associated with high inrush current (magnetizing and load). This inrush of current which maybe four to five times the full load current(FLC) of the motor poses problems in the supply system and the motor itself. In order to restrict the inrush of current suitable voltage reducing starting device is to be used. Star Delta starter being one such device. It may be added that with the improvement in the supply system and … [Read more...]
What is Synchronous Motor : Construction, Working & Applications
Let us first understand what is a synchronous motor basically, it is an induction motor that rotates at a synchronous speed. Here again, the question arises what is synchronous speed, now the synchronous speed is the speed at which the magnetic field rotates, depending on the frequency. From the formula Ns=120f/p, we know synchronous speed depends on frequency and number of poles (Ns=synchronous speed, f=frequency and p=number of poles). Practically all … [Read more...]
What is an Excitation : Types and Its Working
Excitation, the literal meaning is different in each stream of science and humanity. It is an increased activity of cells/organs in biological science in chemical science it is increased activity of various molecules and so on. In electrical engineering, the magnetic effect of current and its field which is known as excitation and only after an electrical machine gets excited it is ready to perform other functions like rotation/motoring or generation, etc. … [Read more...]
What is an Asynchronous Motor : Construction and Its Working
An asynchronous motor is a most extensively used motor in the industry, It is almost impossible to think of an industry without using this motor, due to its operation at the sub-synchronous speed it is known as an asynchronous motor. Having assumed such an important role it becomes imperative to study it in detail. This article discusses an overview of the asynchronous motor like its definition, working, construction, differences, and applications. What … [Read more...]
What is Three Phase Induction Motor : Construction, Working & Applications
As the name suggests, an induction motor is a combination of induction and motor, induction is influencing or altering in any way an article or object by another article or object without physical contact. The best example being, a magnet that can either attract or repulse without physical contact. The motor is known to be associated with motion. Therefore when we say induction motor it is a rotating device based on the principle of induction. This article … [Read more...]